There are several answers for this question.
JavaCaml is a Java package
JavaCaml is entirely written in Java and runs at least on all Java 1.1
platforms. It does not use native code (of course at the cost
of speed) and avoids this way incompatibilities between different
operating systems. Furthermore, it is not necessary to install a
special runtime environment on the target machine, it simply runs out
of the box.
JavaCaml has been developed with JDK 1.1.5, but I expect that many
Java 1.0 virtual machines can execute the code, too.
JavaCaml interprets bytecode produced by the Objective Caml
bytecode compiler
This is the core of JavaCaml: It is a reimplementation of the bytecode
interpreter of OCaml. But do not think that it is a good
implementation, because it is difficult in Java to imitate Ocaml's
runtime environment. The bytecode produced by OCaml is optimized for
the execution on a native machine where it is possible to cast types,
manipulate addresses and implement stacks in a very efficient way. The
Java environment on the contrary has many limitations: no free
(typeless) access to memory, no free control of the program flow (no
"goto" instruction), no free control of the runtime stack (within a
Java method, the stack cannot arbitrarily grow or shrink). So many
instructions intended to be efficiently executed using low-level means
on a native machine had to be imitated by high-level Java constructs.
An example of this approach is the imitation of
values. Although OCaml is a typed language in the bytecode all
explicit knowledge about type constraints have been removed (with only
a few exceptions). Normally, a native machine does not have the
concept of types, and a value is represented by a bit string that has
a type only so far as it is accessed by instructions assuming a
certain type. For example, the representations of arrays and tuples are
absolutely the same, and the only difference is that arrays are
accessed using variable indexes while tuple compenents are read or
modified using fixed indexes.
Ocaml knows functions with polymorphic type. These functions have
input values with unknown type that can be used only in an abstract
way, i.e. it is not allowed to access their components. In the
bytecode translation such functions must be able to handle arbitrary
inputs which might be simple integers as well as references to complex
structures. On a native machine these inputs are simply numbers,
either meant as numbers or as addresses to memory blocks. In Java it
is not possible to cast arbitrarily which means that if we want to
represent polymorphic values we must define a class hierarchy modeling
the possible value structures. In the result we imitate a simple
low-level technique by high-level class hierarchies.
The bytecode language defines a set of instructions and a set of
so-called primitives, which are in fact less primitive than the
instructions. The primitives are the variable part of the language
because it is possible to define additional primitives and access them
as normal Ocaml functions. The JavaCaml interpreter currently
does neither implement all instructions nor all primitives required
for the core OCaml language, but this is only a matter of
time. Because of this the JavaCaml interpreter is not fully compatible
with the original interpreter, see the list of supported features for details.
JavaCaml is a configurable applet
The JavaCaml interpreter can be simply included on every web page as
an applet. The applet has a parameter that determines which Ocaml
bytecode file should be executed. This simply means that the behaviour
of the applet can be fully controlled by parameters, in terms
of theoretical computer science it is a universal machine and the
bytecode file is the Goedel number selecting the task to do.
JavaCaml is a client-side scripting environment
In the WWW world the term script mainly refers to programs that
take their inputs from HTML forms and produce as output a new HTML
page showing its results. On the client-side, JavaScript can do such
jobs, but it is a very simple language that is overtaxed when text
processing or manipulation of complex structures must be done. In such
cases, you can up to now either write expensive Java programs
or solve your problem at the server-side where you can freely choose a
well-suited programming language.
In Objective Caml you can easily express any structures and the native
runtime environment even executes your programs in a highly efficient
way (comparable with the speed of languages such as C++). The JavaCaml
runtime environment is much slower (a factor from 10 to 100 depending
on the problem), but its speed is for typical WWW problems high
enough. Its is a comfortable language with features such as automatic
memory management, a rich set of data types, powerful notations
such as pattern matching, and high-level string functions (regular
expressions). Objective Caml can substitute almost any other scripting
The JavaCaml runtime environment has some extensions that enables an
interaction facility between JavaScript and OCaml programs. This is
important since an applet cannot generate HTML pages without the help
of JavaScript.