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Chapter 2  What's new in 0.9.9

OMake version 0.9.9 is currently in PRERELEASE (June, 2007). This version is released in the hopes that it may be useful. Although we have made an effort to ensure that it is reasonably stable, there is NO GUARANTEE that it works as documented. Please report any errors or omissions to the OMake mailing list.

The following are a list of features new to version 0.9.9.

  • 5.5.1. Functions and applications now support keyword arguments. The syntax has the form id = <expression>.
        f(x, z = 20, y) =
            add($x, $y, $z)
        f(10, 30)
        f(40, 50, z = 60)
  • 5.5.2. Anonymous function arguments are specified with the => syntax.
        foreach(i => ..., 2 3 4)
            add($i, 1)
  • 6.10 There is no longer a global namespace; each file has its own namespace. This is intended to address the issue where two mutually-recursive files happen to use the same variable names.

    This is a significant change, but it is intended to be mostly transparent.

  • 6.7 The auto. qualifier is added for “auto-export” (imperative) variables.
  • 6.6 The const. qualifier is added for constant values.
  • 17 OMake provides an automated binding generator that generates OCaml/OMake bindings for C libraries. The implemented examples include a GTK+ 2 binding 18, a Fuse binding 19, and an ODBC binding 20.

    This also includes a complete parser for the C language 16.1.

  • B.4 OMake supports a “program syntax,” which is a somewhat more standard syntax for writing programs where identifiers refers to variables, and strings must be quoted.
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